BabyFetus Ticker

September 11, 2011

Where were you 10 years ago?

I had walked into my parents bedroom and the news was on the tv that had been sitting on top of the file cabinet which was placed next to their desk. I remember watching this particular airplane strike this tower. This image is forever impressed in my memory. I remember people jumping from the windows. I remember how I felt. I still feel it now. Choked up, tears filled my eyes (just like they are now), goose bumps, fear for the people on the plane, the people in the towers, on the streets below. I will never forget these emotions. I hardly understand them now. I can't believe it's been 10 years, for the day is still very clear in my mind. I express my love for those lost, love for those who risked their own lives to help, the families who still live on not knowing exactly were their loved one was lost. I remember visiting ground zero a year after it happened. It was eerie, all the walls of remembrance, the missing person's posters, and the wreck was still very much there. Today it is an amazing memorial in honor of those fallen. We will never forget! God Bless the USA!


Adriana Benitez said...

That would've been crazy to visit ground zero. I've never even come close.

Your Labor Day looked like fun!