BabyFetus Ticker

August 28, 2011

Cards & Cookie Creations

This is a plate of three kinds of cookies. From the left we start with peanut butter cookies, in the middle are the amazing butterscotch coconut cookies that were first introduced to me while dating David and on the right our my famous chunky chocolate chip cookies. We decided to make all three batches this afternoon and prepare a plate for our friends. It was only fitting since my sunbeam lesson was on how I can be a friend. We are grateful for our friendships here and are happy to finally feel at home here because of them.

We shared our creations with Brett & Kristen and Mark & Brooklyn.

I guess this month has been a month of thankfulness for my many friendships. This was a card I created for a dear friend Ann. She and I have shared many great times together. She is a widow in my ward whom I've grown very fond of. Initially I thought of her as a grandma figure but she has become my own age over night and we laugh and talk just like two best friends. I am grateful for her example and knowledge on things. She is an amazing lady.
This card is a happy birthday card for my mama. Although it got to her very late I was relieved to finally finish it for her. She is a great mama and I am so thankful to have her anytime I need her. Couldn't go one day without her. And the day wouldn't be complete without being able to talk with her. I am very blessed to have her as my mama. Happy Birthday!

David's brother Zach turned 9 this month. I can't believe he was just 4 when David and I married. He has grown the most since I've known him. I am happy to have more brothers. Can't wait to see him in October.


Kath said...

Yum! Cute, darling! I, too, have an older friend who quickly became just a dear friend (I dropped the 'older').

chercard said...

Love dear friends no matter the age!

Adriana Benitez said...

Those cookies look really tasty! I'm excited to see you guys in October :) I found out when you're coming and I might have an ultrasound to see what this baby is around then, I'm not sure.

Kristen Smith said... cookies i have ever eaten. i could eat the butterscotch ones non-stop for days. mmmMMmMMMMMmmmMMMmmmmm :)

Kath said...

i am in the mood to be your friend. right. now. said...

Those are such cool cards! Great job!

The Bevans said...

Good friends make life better! They are lucky to have you as a friend!

Dyann said...

mmmm...those look fabulous Mindi! One thing I love and miss about that group is the ageless friendships that are formed. I never imagined that with my little monkeys I'd have made so many friends who are a generation or two older than I am.

Miss you all!