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June 19, 2011

Birthday dinner & Father Days Cards

My Dads Father's Day Card.

David's Dads Father's Day Card.

My Birthday dinner with my girlfriends @ Earls. Great food, every time.

I have been waiting 1 year to try these... Campfire Smores. You see last year David and I had my Birthday dinner at Earls, and I was so curious when I saw they offered this treat. But since we had a movie planned right after we didn't have the time for dessert. So yes, 1 year later I went back with some girlfriends and enjoyed a long awaited taste of these Campfire Smores. They were definitely worth the wait!

I ordered the Cajun Chicken Cheddar Sandwich, yum!

My friend Brooklyn and I.

My friend Amy and Kristen.

Bad photo taken by our very bad waitress, I swear they hire on looks alone. But this was the only group shot we got. Thanks Kristen for organizing my Birthday dinner and candle. Brooklyn your card was so funny, and I certainly ate those peanut butter m&ms right up! And thanks Amy for getting us a table! You made my birthday this year very special...


Unknown said...

yum. can i please have s'more...

uha uha uha. i had to...sorry! :)

Kath said...

Happy Birthday Celebration!! looks like fun and yum dessert:)