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July 3, 2011

4th of July Pizza Party!


Had to get a photo documenting our "Sunday Best."

Getting ready for our 4th of July Pizza Party. We invited 9 people. We had a blast! Dave and I ordered 4 large pizza's from Zeek's, bread sticks, made our own Caesar Salad with lemon zest, and had Root Beer from the bottle. I also made up a 4th of July pictionary game, which turned out to be pretty darn exciting. The girls won!!!

Some holiday decor. I had fun making the banner, and creating 4th of July themed frames. I just love my Gerbra Daisie's. Thanks to Dave I had flowers and the miniature flags. I love my new decorations this year!

This one reads "LAND THAT I LOVE"

Becky if your reading this, your birthday money helped me buy my red, white and blue frames. I couldn't have created my new Independence Day decorations without you. I will cherish these for many years...

"Lady Liberty"
" July"


Our Pizza Party Menu

Brett & Kristen are featured in this photo...

2 of our 4 pizza's... YUM.

Featured in this photo Mark & Brooklyn...

My amazing co-host Dave, thanks lovebug!

Top left: Ryan, Baby Ella, Jake, Brett

Middle: Kara, Kristen

Bottom: Mark, Brooklyn, Me & Dave

Our fabulous group of friends. Thanks for coming to our party. And no Kara I was not going to announce that I was pregnant. LOL. But I'll keep a party in mind for the future...


Kristen Smith said...

i loved it. every minute if it!! :)

The Bevans said...

Darling decor!
looks like quite the party! You were born to be a hostess! said...

All of your decorations and home-made things look like they walked out of a magazine. You are SO TALENTED!

And the pizza looks good, too. : ) Sounds like you had fun!