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May 31, 2011

Yankees, Nudes, Ghosts OH MY!

Look closely here, what do you see in the center of the pile up....
Hopefully you guessed it. A NAKED FAN! Believe it or not this was Fan #3 (4 fans total) that came running onto the field. But he topped them all because he was wearing only a blue Mariners cap. He got tackled right around short stop in the dirt. These 4 crazy fans were all handcuffed and probably jailed for the night (that's my guess). But they made an already great night even more memorable. I was so thrilled to see this, yes the naked fan. I have never seen a streaker before. And luckily for Dave and I all we saw was the backside. He came from our side of the stands. Just crazy. The police and security guards wrapped him in a towel they got from the Yankees dugouts. Jeesh. These crazy fans missed a great game.

Final Score 5 (Mariners) 4 (Yankees) EXCITING GAME. We went into the 12th inning. Such an exciting game. We were 10 rows up from home plate on the 1st base side. We could almost call the pitches better then the umpire. I just love this photo of Ichiro. Although my setting focused more on the net. Darn. I guess I'm still learning my camera.
JETER! During batting practice.

(above: Front of the Birthday Card for Jared - David's younger brother)

June is one of the busiest months for me a card making.

June 3 Jared's Bday

June 4 Adriana & Tim's Wedding Anniversary

June 7 ME (Of course I don't make me a card, but maybe I should...)

June 9 Orren's Bday (Nephew)

June 13 Sarah's Bday (Sister-In-Law)

June 13 Mom & Dads Wedding Anniversary

June 18 Father's Day

(above: Friend's Bday Card)

(above: Nephew's Bday Card, he calls himself IRONMAN JONES)

Cute story, when his younger brother was still in his moms belly, she asked him what name they should call him, Ironman he said. I certainly hope he still loves Ironman as much. He will be 5 this year. Happy Birthday 'O' Your Aunt loves you lots.

(above: Mother's Day Card for Becky)
More cards to come...

GHOST TOUR at Pike's Place Market.

Just stretching out in Pike's Place Market. Because this never happens. It's usually shoulder to shoulder. The tour guide had me do this to show the visitor's what a difference it is during the day.

We went on the tour with a good friend of mine, Amanda and her boyfriend Aaron. They were in Seattle for the weekend to meet Aaron's parents for the first time. Since they are both living in UT. Amanda and I met in AZ and have known each other since the 5th grade. She and her family are probably our closest family friends. It was so great to catch up with her. And meet her new love.

Dave finally seeing the famous GUM WALL for the very first time. I was shocked I had seen it before him. That's probably my only first over him here in WA.

Pike's Place completely abandoned. We had special privilege's to be there for the tour. For that and that alone the tour was worth it! The tour was old stories about people passed who stick around and haunt the market. But I'm an unbeliever. And really the tour guide was more comical then scary. But it was still neat to hear some real history of The Market. Thanks Amanda and Aaron for finding this tour and letting us tag along. It was great to take out dinner from Serious Pie and eat it in the park. And then go to a really fancy restaurant, Morton's for dessert. I loved that apple pie, Washington really does have some good apples, thanks to Wenatchee, the apple capital of the world. It's always great to have visitors. Who's next???


Unknown said...

my card is the AWESOME-EST ever! :)

Adriana Benitez said...

That would be the best way to take a tour! I never would've even thought that they would do that.

Kath said...

fun post, Mind! Fun to have your parentz here this weekend:)