BabyFetus Ticker

May 19, 2011

Today I feel like this!

I did something WILD today at lunch. Before I tell you what, let me go back a couple of days. So as you all know I'm desperately trying to loose weight. I have change my eating habits (getting better daily on this), started working out at least 5 times a week, etc... Anyways, a couple of days ago I decided to stop taking the elevator. So instead I get to walk up 5 flights of stairs. Knowing that, today it suddenly dawned on me that I could still do more. I don't know if today is different then other days because today WE HAVE SUN! Time will tell I guess... So I was on my 1 hour lunch break and I was going home like normal. Climbed the stairs, arrived at my apartment, cut up my avocado, ate and talked with my sister. 20 minutes later our conversation ended and I had nothing distracting me and I still had 40 minutes left of lunch. Since it was so sunny, warm and refreshing out I decided I'd go for a walk, but I didn't want any stop lights stopping me I turned back to my apartment courtyard and noticed our great stairs, I thought to myself, man, I'll just walk up and down those. Did this for a while then noticed I could see the workout room and no one was in there, oh wait I AM! I did the elliptical in my nice work attire and it felt liberating. It felt so good and didn't care about the sweat, the red face and the fact that I'd be needed back at work. Still didn't care, for now, I was taking care of me. LOVING EVERY MINUTE TOO. And at that moment I felt like Rocky or at least could relate to jumping and arms in the air behavior.

I'm accomplishing my goals. I am now 12.8 pounds down from when I started. Total weight loss since I started 28.6 (April 09). I know it's slow coming off but at least it's coming off the healthy way. No crash diets. Today I made that NORMAL day feel not so normal or mundane. I hope to continue this wild behavior!


chercard said...

You rock girlfriend! So proud of you!

Kath said...

I LOVE that kind of wild behavior!! It is so empowering:) I'm telling would love running. Serious, Mind...and u can throw stairs in there too if you want...

Adriana Benitez said...

That is awesome! You've been doing great keeping going with the healthy habits and weight loss. Just means you get to keep it off better ;)

Dyann said...

High five & big hug, girl!!!

You're doing it the hard way, which is also the right way, so the long-term effects will be better. You're so awesome!

Kath said...

Way to go on 12.6!!!