BabyFetus Ticker

March 2, 2011

I am thankful for WATER

What does WATER mean to you...(just gathering ideas for my primary lesson on Sunday)

7 comments: said...

What a great teacher preparing so far in advance!

I have a fish tank--it's absolutely necessary to have WATER for that. :)

I also like to drink water to help me avoid eating high calorie snacks when I'm trying to lose weight...but that might be a little over their heads. : )

Good luck on your lesson. You might want to consider squirting them with a water gun throughout the lesson, or taking a squirt bottle to mist them during the song, "Rain is falling all around, on the rooftops, on the ground...." I think it's in the Children's Hymn Book.

Have fun!

Kath said...

Water saves me on a hot run, cleanses me after eating poorly and washes down yummy chocolate treats:)

Mindi Blake said...

Love the comments! It's giving me many ideas... THANKS!

Dyann said...

Love the point about the fish, and the misting while singing. They'd love that!

Water = swimming, slip & slides, growing plants, splashing in the bath...and you could come up with some creative way to tell them that they're 90% water (or whatever the number is).

Have fun!

chercard said...

Water is FUN! Running through sprinklers, swimming, water fights, water slides.

Water keeps us clean, laundry, baths etc.

Water is powerful and you must be safe around it! said...

I was curious to see what other people were saying, so I had to come back and check it out. : )

I was thinking, you could also do some fun little experiments with water...just to fill the time, you know...I don't know how old your class is, but you could have a few glasses of water set up on a table and you could put a couple drops of food coloring in it and everyone could watch the colors slowly move through the glass...and then they could drink it for fun.

You could also have a bowl of water with pepper sprinkled on the top, and when you put in one drop of soap in the middle, the pepper immediately goes to the sides...that's usually an object lesson for how repentance is like soap or whatever, but it's also a fun water activity.

You could also have a bowl of water and pour in some soap to make bubbles....

I have an idea--why don't I fly to Washington on a whim, and we'll have a water-extraveganza with your class on Sunday. Haha!

Mindi Blake said...

Thank You Cher, Kath, DJO, & Dyann for all your suggestion's! I have lots of super great ideas now. I'm teaching the 3&4 year olds so a lot of this is excellent. DJO I wish you could just fly on up and team teach with me, you would be an amazing assest. Thanks for all the ideas, I think that I'll bring things like a tooth brush, dish, flowers, etc... all things that need water and have them pull them out of a bag and then we will discuss each one. Also I'll be doing a craft activity, I'll take a picture of it and post it. Thanks again for all your help. I really enjoyed reading the comments.