BabyFetus Ticker

February 24, 2011

My Book Choice for March

My thoughts: It is an amazing book that has opened my eyes to my own prejudices. It takes place in Seattle during the time of the Pearl Harbor bombing. It's about the Japanese internment camps. A very bitter-sweet story of a young Chinese boy and a young Japanese girl who form a unlikely friendship. I love reading books that are based on real events but have fictional characters that you just fall in love with.

7 comments: said...

The cover of the book looks so inviting. It makes me feel good inside just to look at the cover. : ) I long for the moment that I can go pick a book up and read...wait...maybe I should go now. : )

Adriana Benitez said...

I agree, those kinds of stories are the best. Enough reality to ground you but enough fiction to have fun with it.

Cardalls said...

Love historical fiction! My favorite genre of reading..I have heard great things about this book, I need to go to the library! Another good one I am reading is Recovering Charles by Jason Wright. It is about Hurrican Katrina.

Mindi Blake said...

Cher I'd for sure read this one! You should also read, The Book Thief, Sarah's Key and Unbroken. All great historical fiction.

chercard said...

I have read The Book Thief...loved it!

Kath said...

I AM reading The Book Thief..don't give away. Of course I have been reading it for some time now... Mind...check is in the mail:)

Mindi Blake said...

Kath- glad you're reading The Book Thief, you won't be dissapointed. And thanks...