BabyFetus Ticker

March 7, 2011

February Wrapped Up!

Feburary was a great month. I enjoyed hosting a book club; we read The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. It is an excellent historical fiction book that takes place here in Seattle. It has brought new places to go and see to my attention :-). I've also enjoyed getting back to eating healthy and working out. I am still teaching the 3 and 4 year olds at church. I've enjoyed sending some hand made birthday cards to family members. I also got new glasses, which I love. David still works hard, studies hard and plays basketball on Thursday's nights. I enjoy going to the games to chat with the other wives. In addition we had the missionaries come over for dinner, and it was fun to find a family connection with one of the elders who lives in South Jordan. Dave and I hosted a successful game night with 4 other couples at our apartment. We had fun playing the Newly Wed game as well as Apples to Apples. We've enjoyed a couple outings to the Cinema, we loved the new Adam Sandler movie Just Go With It, which is mighty good. We are also enjoying the new season of American Idol and are really excited about the new judges, especially Steven Tyler. Dave couldn't believe how happy I was that all my favorites made it into the top 12 this past week. He says I acted like I was right there as one of the contestants. I love it when I get that excited about something. We look forward to the upcoming month, especially David since he gets to go home and play in the warm sun!

1 comments: said...

I like Steven Tyler, too. I think it's funny that they gave him his own bleep sign to hold in front of his mouth. Despite his issue with controling his tongue on camera, I think he's a great asset to the show & is a very genuine person with the contestants.