BabyFetus Ticker

August 31, 2010

Not the usual happy news...

August: A month of bad news really... Honestly filled with frustration. We've been dealing with this bug issue (to say the least) in our kitchen now since the second week of July. That pretty much sums up our month. We are looking forward to hopefully killing all of these devil bugs before David's family comes to visit. Other bad news this month is David's grandpa whom we dearly love and think about constantly was diagnosed with blood cancer. We love him lots... This coming month we are looking forward to starting up school again.

7 comments: said...

Oh, no! Hopefully next month you won't have to post in your title, "Wake Me Up When September Ends", too. :) I like the song, but it's not so fun when you have to wish an entire two months out of your life. : ) Hugs!

Cardalls said...

our August was pretty full of bad news as well...hang in there girlfriend it will get better!

Kath said...

They should totally move you to another unit!! You are a patient one, I think. Best wishes for David's grandpa:) xox

Adriana Benitez said...

Sad day about the bugs still being there! Mom and Grandma say that Grandpa's in good spirits about it all. We love you :)

Kath said...

Call me. really. love you:)

Kath said...

I have big commitments every night this week! Hate it, really! After 9 on most nights would be just dandy though:)

Mindi Blake said...

K Kath I'll catch you sometime after 9 one of these nights...