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August 1, 2010


Glad to say Good-Bye to July. It hasn't been the greatest of all months to be honest. It started off GREAT with the 4Th, good food, ball games, etc... But we've hit a spell of bad luck I guess. It all started with the washer and dryer pooping out on us, luckily the apartment is responsible for the replacements. Next problem was just the beginging of,
The Kitchen Curse! I noticed our freezer wasn't cold enough, dead give away to me was it wasn't making ice anymore and the meats were mushy... oh and the biggest duh "the freezer isn't working" was the soupy ice cream. To me it was obvious we had a problem, and the most depressing thing was we had just went grocery shopping. We called maintenance and they came up with this lame excuse that we were covering the fan in the freezer which would prevent it from cooling, WHAT? Totally wrong. But by now all the freezer stuff was definitely bad and needed to be eaten right away or thrown away. This wasn't the worst part, now the fridge was warmer, dead give away to me was the milk wasn't as cold. Now we had a problem. So by the time maintenance agreed we had a problem all of our food was spoiled. So they decided to replace the fridge with a new one. So again we went grocery shopping. Next part of the story is no walk in the park... We went to Costco and our local grocery store and spent a fortune and then a day later noticed these tiny black bugs, and apparently so tiny that David didn't even believe me. But they were there and maintenance was called yet again. The bug spray people come twice a month and the next day was one of them, I was happy and thought my luck had turned, guess again. They came but the bugs came back in multitudes, apparently the spray didn't help. These bugs were immune against any bug spray out there, this was hard to comprehend but I guess it's true. There is no bug spray in all America that can kill this tiny black bug. These devil bugs aren't going anywhere. I was cleaning the kitchen daily, while Dave just thought I was crazy. Weeks went by but the bugs still resided in the kitchen. After a couple of calls to get the bug people out again they finally told me these bugs were our problem. Somehow we had brought them home from the grocery store in one of our dry food purchases. I guess now we would have to throw out all of our dry food. Which included everything! Bye cereal, flour, sugar, salt, noodles, chips, pop tarts, pasta, spices, cooking oils, peanut butter, syrup, everything must go! So we tossed out our food and fortune. And waited to be free of the devil bugs. Sadly this story doesn't end with a happy ending, as of now we still see the bugs. As I'm cleaning out all plates, tupper ware, crock pots, waffle makers, bowls, I am still finding these bugs. Some dead, others struggling to stay alive. The only thing we are eating right now is frozen food. Which doesn't help with my high Cholesterol which I've just been diagnosed with this month. Anyways, this sad story has more but I don't want to be singing the blues anymore tonight. All I can say is I can see the GOOD in Good-Bye right now. So bye bye July!


Dave and Jessica said...

I am sorry! That is horrible! Hopefully August will be a much better month for you!

Kath said...

Yuck!! Hate, hate bug probs. I am all crawly on my skin now. Years ago we had the most persistent is SUCH a pain. Good luck:) Bring on a new month/new start.

Adriana Benitez said...

Food is so expensive! Hopefully those evil little bugs do die off and leave you alone. I agree and vote that August should be more friendly with you.

Cardalls said...

yucky! we have SPIDERS at our house and i feel your pain...had to clean out everything!

Mindi Blake said...

Thanks Jessica, Kath, Adriana for the wishes that Aug. will be a better month. Cher sorry about the spiders, I actually think that's worse! Yucky. Love you all!

M + L said...

OH MY GOSH, are you serious?! ANNOYING! Seriously when it rains it pours and whoever came up with that saying is a genius! I hope August is a better month for you AND I!! :)