BabyFetus Ticker

June 29, 2010

Apartment Improvements

At the request of my aunt, Kathleen and sister-in-law, Sarah. House shots.
Our Master Bedroom. Very simple right now, but thinking of ideas for colors and theme.
Our Family Room. Drapes up, made by David's mom. Colors are orange, green and black. Still putting this room together. Will post more snap shots once frames are hung.
This is the frame collage in it's entirety, at an angle so hard to see. I took left side shot, middle shot, and right side shot...
Right side shot.Middle side shot.
Left side shot.
Eventually will get photos of our family...
The material up close for the drapes I made.Both panels open.
Right panel close up.
We have lots more improvements to do, will keep you updated.


Stephanie Evans said...

Cute fabric for your curtains! And I LOVE the frame collage. Looks great!

I've been craving Chipotle ever since your last blog. It's the best Mexican food out here!

Mindi Blake said...

i agree, chipotle is the best thing we have to mexican too! nice to hear from you steph!

Dave and Jessica said...

MINDI---I love the collage! Where did you find your black letters for you name? I have been looking for some like that. Hopefully somewhere I can get to! SO CUTE! I love it! Oh and I love your curtains as well! You are so creative! Will you please come decorate my house? It needs help BAD! Next time you are in town I will need you to come give me some tips! Hope you are well!

Kath said...

Nice curtain fabric choice. Your comforter looks scrumptious. The frame collage is one of the best I have seen and I have been around...snooping that is. I think you should put some funny knock knock jokes or something in the frames while you wait for the perfect thing. Or how bout one frame for each family in your combined 2 families...just names and ages...just thinkin'. Of course ours would have to be the biggest and most prominent frame since I comment most. stop it, Cheryl...I do too!!

Mindi Blake said...

Hey Jess! We bought the black letters from Khols, but I'm sure Michael's or JoAnn's would have them too.

Cardalls said...

oh you want to compete for the most're on! :) Love the collage..want one of my own and the curtains are lovely!

Mindi Blake said...

My aunts are silly, but totally feel free to post as many comments you want! Lol!

Adriana Benitez said...

your apartment is gonna look so nice! we're still working on things over here.

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute! Can't wait to see it all done! I love your bed and dresser too by the way, and I have been eyeing that comforter for about an age now...seeing it on your bed makes me think that it might be time to buy it :)