BabyFetus Ticker

February 25, 2010

Lose It Update

I tried Kung Fu Tuesday night and I'm so sore! I know I need to workout despite that, but it's pretty lame when walking up stairs is nearly impossible. But at the same time it feels great to be sore, it reminds me that there's more muscles to me. Ones I never knew existed. It's nice to feel them working. I have lost a pound this week. I'm very relieved that I can still motivate myself to that point. Today I have the whole day off of work and I've got two things on my To Do List. #1 Work Out & #2 Scrapbook. I think I can handle that. I'm so excited to have a day to self indulge and work on me.


Kath said...

Perfect day. Love the 'to do" list:) said...

You are so cute, and the Kung Fu Panda is one of my favorite movies--his picture is perfect for your post!