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February 22, 2010

A Confession and Lose It Update...

My Lose It application through my iPhone. This helps we document my exercise and calories.
Tai Chi helps with strengthening weaker muscles and reducing stress. It's the softer side of Kung Fu. And it also helps with breathing. Which I forget to do while working out.

My hope for a new me.

Last year I lost 27 pounds with my Lose It diet. I stopped short of my goal, well to be honest way short of my goal. My goal was to lose so much more than that. However, I felt satisfied with my accomplishment. This year I feel motivated again to start my Lose It diet. Also I wasn't maintaining the weight I lost, because I had slipped away from the things that were helping me. I'm focusing on a goal of 50 pounds. I will once again, track my calorie intake, document my exercise and hold myself accountable to twice a week weigh-ins. This isn't easy. But I want to be healthy and mostly HAPPY with myself. I'm trying a different exercise routine. I'm doing Tai Chi every Monday and Tuesday nights. And I've purchased The Biggest Loser workout videos. This insures that I workout a minimum of 4 days a week. It has a 6 week program that I can do from my home. I'm trying to change up my workouts so as not to plateau or get bored. I bore and lose interest easily if I don't challenge myself with different things. Well here goes all I have. I will be accountable again. I hope I can update you with good news...


Stock Family said...

Good luck Mindi! I have a hard time losing weight after babies and its so frustrating! I have found that if I don't look at a scale for a few weeks, my motivation continues to run high. That worked for me, but we are all different. I hope you can find what works for you. Keep us posted!

Kath said...

Oh Mindi! I hear is a constant struggle for me (and many, really). Hang in there!! Good for you for making a plan. That's how it all begins. (After the OMG facing reality which sounds like you have already done). I will be excited to hear about your's okay to put the not so successful parts too. helps us all feel human.

Cardalls said...

you go girl...i will join you later this summer AB (after baby). WE have the Biggest Loser for the Wii and Dave has been doing it with the boys...they all like doing it! I agree with sharing the good, bad and ugly parts, helps keep it real!

Anonymous said...

Wow 27 pounds is still freakin impressive! I'll be right there with you once this kid pops out in August. Have you ever tried a spinning class? Carly and I used to do it a couple times a week when we were single and it seriously kicks your butt!