BabyFetus Ticker

November 2, 2009

"Special Projects"

So here are three "special projects" given to me today both by my Supervisor (who isn't in the office on Monday's, but is texting me) and my Office Manager. Jeanine texts to me, "Hi Mindal (my nickname)...thanks for your help sat!...we will need to empty the shop vac...i forgot...tell melissa one of the patio covers blew off. I didn't have time to put it back on :-P" At the same time, Suzie (Office Manager) is speaking to me, "can you go around the office and change all the wall clocks (just started day light savings)." So instead of telling Melissa I went out and fixed the covering on the patio furniture, changed the time on all the wall clocks, and emptied shop vac. Man I should be getting a pay raise!!! Plus this weekend I just finished 37 handmade bridal shower invites free of charge and labor... which might I add wasn't cheap! Plus I also cleaned carpets and cleaned out a fountain which took additional overtime on Saturday. I'm lucky to have a job. Wish my hard hard hard work paid me a raise though...


Kath said...

hang in there very well might pay off. It feels good to contribute, don't ya think?!

Mindi Blake said...

yah i'm happy she goes to me most and not someone else. it shows she needs me. and that feels nice. so i just keep doing the special projects and hope one day i'll be thanked...

Cardalls said...

you will be one day I am sure! Keep it up and great job! If I could give you a raise I would :)