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November 7, 2009

An after Halloween Party

I'm about to take you on my Wild Party Night, last night. My crazy friend Mary decided that she wanted another Halloween Party. So on Friday, November 6Th I took the Jeep on an adventure to Bothell which should have been no more than 20 minutes away in good traffic. 6pm, I start driving. Rush hour I guess, that wasn't the bad part though. At the same time thunder/lighting and heavy rains. Great my first time ever driving the Washington freeways by myself. So at 40 miles per hour I'm driving listening to some calming music while listening to Judy my GPS. She takes me all over the place. I end up on 3 different highways one of which I new was totally wrong cause it was taking me to Seattle and I could already rule that option out. So I take the next exit who knows where and I realize Judy is now taking me in circles for 30 MINUTES. So it's now an hour later. After freaking out on David for not driving me I panic for a minute in between some towns post office and police station. I than call Mary and she some how gets me to her. I arrive at this party which is suppose to be a custom party. The girls obey but the boys didn't (and we were definitely out numbered by party boys). I decided to be a Nurse Practitioner, I borrowed the official lab coat from work. I was really enjoying the feeling of power, I thought surely if I got pulled over I'd win the cops heart with my nurse outfit. Glad I didn't get pulled over to test that idea...

Mary was an 80s girl. Her dog Butters (for some reason she likes food names for dogs).
And Kim my other friend was a Raven football player, go Baltimore! But as you can see I'm looking a little out of place from my sexy friends. Well it gets more interesting. The booze comes out. Mary is fighting with her ex boyfriend about who drank all the vodka. To calm the scene down I figure out a solution, buy more vodka. I know totally wrong for a Mormon to drive the crew but, I knew they weren't that drunk yet. So the whole drive I talked reason to them. They need someone to be reasonable with them. Plus, recently I've bounced the idea around about being a psychologist...we'll see.
I was the only married Mormon girl there. I didn't feel uncomfortable. They are my friends. I really was there to be friends. I don't have the drink temptation. I stayed until they were too intoxicated to talk with. Which came well before 9pm. Sad, I know. I like the good old parties that you can actually talk and laugh with your guests and have some real time with. But these party girls got sloshed pretty fast. The company turns from there. I'm thinking next time dinner and a movie would be lots better. Or maybe even a Mani and Pedi, or games. The options are endless!
But I did enjoy dressing up for Halloween, it had been a long while since....


Cardalls said...

you should host the next party and show them the fun you can have without the booze! Glad you got there safe and were the DD (designated driver!)

M + L said...

Haha! This so reminds me of my high school days. I hung out with a few non Mormons and I knew it worried my parents, but I never did anything. I was ALWAYS the designated driver. And then I finally realized maybe that's what I was their friend. SAD, huh?? Glad to know that you are cool with being friends with people who aren't your faith. That's a good thing! Your costume was great too!

Mindi Blake said...

Yah, I like them. Even though they're not in H.S. they still act like it and those "kinds" of parties... But we've had fun doing other stuff. Like movies and lunches together. I'm glad to be there friends and somehow infulence them for good. I hope...

Kath said...

I think you look darling as a nurse practitioner:) Sounds like you enjoy being the "level-headed" one. Good for you, Mindi. Glad you had fun! (and were safe and kept your friends safe too)