BabyFetus Ticker

October 25, 2009

Holiday Tradition

In our 4 years of Marriage we've noticed that our only consistent Holiday Tradition is pumpkin carving. Here is this years...
David's Bat.
Mindi's Pumpkin Face.

We love our Pumpkin Tradition. Maybe...just maybe we could get on the ball for finding a Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Tradition!


Kath said...

Very impressive. I like your tradition. We always carve the day of...hectic but it is what it is. I always thought our Halloween traditions were/are pretty lame but my eldest wants to travel cross the state to come home for just the day...imagine? I guess the stuff does matter sometimes:)

Cardalls said...

cute! we can't carve ours until the day of or day before or else they "melt" in the warm weather.

The Bevans said...

They look professional! We didn't even get around to carving this year!