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September 7, 2009

Our Labor Day Recap

Friday: Dinner at Jimmy Johns (Yummy Sub Place) & Shopping at Target.

Saturday: Slept in. Dave made yummy french toast. Did Laundry. Grocery Shopping. Went to Rock Bottom (Bar/Restaurant) to watch my Boss' Husband's band, Bad Habit. They sang mostly 80 songs, nothing wrong with that! We had a good time listening and watching the Huskies football game right behind the band.

Sunday: Slept in. Watched Twilight (I've been re-reading the series, and becoming an even bigger Twilighter!!!). Watched The Family Man. Watched Runaway Bride. Yep we watched movies all day! My favorite thing.

Monday: For Breakfast went to Top Pot Donuts, the most delicious donuts I have ever had. I ordered an Apple Fritter and a Bavarian Cream. Guilty but worth it! We went shopping to Nordstroms, Williams-Sonoma, Anthropologie, and Best Buy. We came out of it with some great stuff. A great smelling candle and four serving bowels from Anthropologie. Two movies, Big and Better off Dead from Best Buy. And a cook book called Comfort Foods from Williams-Sonoma. We always go out for clothes but than come home with things for the house. I guess that shopping is easier for us.

During our shopping experience I realized my obsession with Halloween. I wanted just about anything Halloween. But I was satisfied with a crazy photo with a great Halloween hat, some crazy glasses and a fun little cup. I can't wait to start buying decorations for the Holiday's.

Dave and I had fun weekend. We enjoyed Sleeping, Shopping, delicious foods and just relaxing. We are certainly glad for Labor Day and it's extended weekend it gave us. We are doing just fine up here in Washington. We are planning more adventure's, I can't wait to take photos of them so I'll have something to blog about. Photo's definitely help me with something to talk about.


Unknown said...

You look good in Halloween. . . . Thanks for the cute blog you are the best. I so appreciate you making me not miss you so much. I love seeing all you do. Thanks Mindi xoxox :)