BabyFetus Ticker

May 29, 2009

Tipsy Whoopsy

We had a stupid waiter last night. I was wanting to know the beverages that were served, like soda, lemonade, and well whatever but non-alcoholic. So I had found a Frozen Raspberry Lemonade that sounded amazing, so I ordered. He brought it out. I took a sip and well it tasted funny somewhat tart, so I had Dave try it. He said, it's just the lime and raspberry they put in it. I pushed it aside but sipped it maybe 4 more times. As we got the check, Dave's like your drink is certainly priced as alcohol. THAT'S IT, I had been drinking what I thought to be non-alcoholic but I suddenly had the suspicion that it was alcoholic. Because right there on the check was Skyy Frozen Raspberry Lemonade. WHAT! The Stupid waiter didn't even card or ask if I wanted alcohol in it. I was upset and the waiter from across the room realized that and came over and said," guys level with me, what's wrong?" I said does this drink have alcohol in it, he said "Of course." I said I ordered it from the non-alcoholic section, I did not want that. He apologized and said I could have a Raspberry Lemonade on the house. I said no thanks. Needless to say we left a $1.25 tip, and to Dave that was still being generous. I stumbled out of there. As we walked around the mall Dave was noticing my slur of speech. We got home soon after that and I passed out. We'll never go back there.


Meg and Russ said...

Oh man that totally happened to me at Applebee's when I was in my teens. Crazy waitors! Hopefully you're feeling better today! Congrats on the weight loss you're doing great!

Adriana Benitez said...

Haha you sure you only had a few sips? If so please don't ever decide to actually drink (not that I think you would)! Love ya Mindi! :)

Stock Family said...

LOL!! Don't you hate when that happens?!? j/k!! That is too funny but awful at the same time! What if you were pregnant!?! I can't belive he didn't double check that! I know that waiters try to sell alcoholic drinks to make more money, but good grief! I would have asked for a refund and then talked to his manager. That could be dangerous!

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

maybe i shouldn't laugh, but i laughed out loud. i can picture you slurring your words and walking drunk. too bad i missed it. i wouldve talked to the manager and got that kid in trouble. idiot. well now you've gotten drunk and never have to do it again!

Kath said...

I remember drinking out of the "spiked" punch bowl at my cousin's art show when I was probably 10. I felt so guilty. But what I want to know...was it good lemonade?? Nothing like a good lemonade!

Anonymous said...

Me tipsy whoopsy!