BabyFetus Ticker

June 4, 2009

Are You Ready for LOTS OF PHOTOS!?!

A yummy dinner


The Troll
It's a park

That belly will go down!!!!! 14. 4 pounds today...
Gas Works Park
A view from Gas Works Park
Beautiful clear day, great day to sail.
World famous R.E.I
Dad was like, we have to spend 3 hours there. LOL!
Great Photos!
Mom and Dad looking at this...
A Night at Museum, Awesome show. And great in Imax.
Lincoln Square Cinemas. Wonderful rocking leather seats!
A Space Needle Shot
Some amazing views
Views from the Space Needle top: Puget Sound below: City of Seattle
Funny face Dad
There she is...
Another photo at the airport

Lots of photos! And more to come... Hope you enjoyed our fun time.


Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

looks like fun! such a pretty state! good job on the weight loss so exciting!

Cardalls said...

You look great Mind! I just want to know how your Mom stays looking so darn good all of the time? I swear she never ages! Looks like a fun time, I'd love to visit Seattle!

Kath said...

Fun pics!! Glad your Dad didn't have to see you "tipsy";) Looks like perfect weather and fun times!company in town and you still lost weight--you R O C K!!

elyse said...

how fun, too bad you do not live here I have about an extra 30 pounds I needs to lose after my monkey comes in July and it would be fun to do it together. hey there is a good reason to move back... tell Dave :) said...

How fun is that?! I'm so glad your parents were able to come visit you. It looks like a blast.

I'm so proud of you for losing weight! 14 pounds is quite a feat! You're a determined person--I have no doubt that you'll have the will power to get to your goal weight! Keep up the good work! I know it's hard. I had to lose 50 pounds all together after I had Tyson & it can take a long time, but it's worth the effort because you feel better & healthier. Unfortunately I have already gained 30 pounds with baby 2 on the way, but that's okay it can come off again, right?

I just got back in from out of town (I was gone for a week camping) & my cell phone didn't have reception in the mountains. But I want you to know that I was thinking about you & I hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 25 means that insurance rates go down--whoo hoo!

Luv ya!