BabyFetus Ticker

April 30, 2009

I have so many lovely photos of tulips & daffodils that I just couldn't help but post more. And who wouldn't want to see such happy things.
Weight update: I'm working out at least 65 minutes everyday and watching the calories I eat. I am on a 1,400 calorie diet, and I've been loosing 2 pounds each week. Some vain things I've been doing lately is laser treatments. I am enjoying some hair free armpits and legs. It's amazing! I hope all my friends and family are happy and staying healthy!!!


Rachel Ashmore said...

How much does something like that cost?

Mindi Blake said...

Free for us!

The Bevans said...

You deserve it! Just countit as your bonus for your hard work!

Anonymous said...

I just had to comment about those flowers! I love them! You're so lucky to live so close to a beautiful place like that.
You sound so happy!!

Unknown said...

Mindi I am so proud of you. Hang in there with the diet thing I hate dieting on the weekend. I do love the happy tulips. Can't wait to come and see you. Thanks for the great Blog. You're the best. Have a fun Saturday. I just sent Aly out to put in her application for a job at Paradise Bakery. She is fighting me big time on the job search. She wants to do a "Miss Aly's Storytime" like her sister. I told her to go for it but she still has to have a job. Mean mom :)

Adriana Benitez said...

Mindi I must admit that I am jealous of the laser treatments because that would be so nice to not have to shave (especially armpits)