BabyFetus Ticker

May 3, 2009

Face Book

My Journey...

I'm now on it. Crazy. I just started it last night. I have found so many people. I amazed that most of my Mom's family is on it. That's just so cool. I have been able to find old friends from High School. The internet is just a wonderful way to stay in touch. But now I've got to manage this Blog and face book, wish me luck. Is anyone else feeling overwhelmed...?

I'm not just talking about face book. Nope this is much much more overwhelming, it's LIFE. I just am trying to find the purpose of me for the future. To be honest I had always thought that by now I would have kids. I thought, I would be settled down enough to do that. How does one handle the unknown. Where is this hope of a "secure future?" I am not an expert at the whole marriage relationship. But I see others with there's and I just think they have it all together. I feel unprepared most all the time with the enormity of it. It's like a four-wheeling adventure, so many things to see and so many things that could go wrong.

Anybody out there feel the same, or have an idea for this type of planning?


Stock Family said...

Mindi! I love your blog. Hey, you have to remember that even though some people may look like they have it all together, they for surely do NOT! Nobody does but you just have to go with the flow. I've learned that its easier to see the "funny" in hard situations and just do your best in what you've got to work with. Life is so short and instead of worrying about the unknown, try to have more of an attitude of BRING IT ON! Life is supposed to be hard.
Anyway, I'm so happy you found me on facebook! Too bad you live so far but whenever you are in town, let me know!

Cardalls said...

Anyone can put on the 'everything is GREAT with me face' for church or other things for a few hours. You never know what goes on for real with people unless you are very close to them. Every marriage has ups and downs, every life has unexpected trials that come up at unexpected times. It's the nature of life. Fortify yourself spiritually and hold on to that which is most valuable...namely your family. It might be a bumpy ride but you will get through it and be a much better person because of it if you rely on the Lord and learn what he wants you to from the experience! Love you!

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

i'm right there with you! i thought i'd have kids by now, be a stay at home mom and stay by my husband and support him and everything he did. well thats not so. i dont have kids at 3 yrs of marriage. i'm now going to get into school and get a real career and be a working mom. sad. but i'm thankful we have the things we have and still have each other.
ps//find me on facebook. jillyn day larsen

Kath said...

The most important stuff first. For the right reason with the proper inspiration. All of the rest will come. My life has rarely been what I had planned. I am finally learning that I am not the planner and I need to trust Him.