BabyFetus Ticker

March 25, 2009


Today is Wednesday, nothing too special about today. I had a good day. The night before I enjoyed falling asleep to the sound of rain, rather than the check list that is typically going on in my head. I sleep much better if I find away to trick my mind off the to dos... So I awoke refreshed and happy. With some weird dreams still replaying in my mind, Jerry Seinfeld, and George Costanza again! Also a really cool mansion was involved. I listened to Elvis as I got ready, GREAT music, I really like the song suspicious minds. I also walked to work in the rain, all fine because I had my guaranteed to be dry umbrella. My supervisor who I've really started to like handled all phone calls today. We had a great time, talking and I actually did my very best to help with with some projects. We ended the day with a few recommendations for movies and books. She's going to barrow my book by Dr. Laura about "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. Anyways, I walked home, believe it or not in the SUNSHINE. Pretty warm and bright. It was fabulous. Because of this great outlook I had today, Dave and I are going to have a pretty fun night, going out to eat, and I dunno maybe watch the movie. But all in all I just felt the need to report this day. It was just very pleasant. But a good lesson I learned today, was from Jeanine my supervisor, she said, that she's also a transplant to Washington State, hates it, misses her family in Michigan, and after three months of living her she convinced her husband Tom to move them back to Michigan. But after severals months in Michigan she realized she had made a mistake, and she told Tom she new Washington was were they were suppose to be. She really has been in the same situation as Iam now. So at least this story has made me think about me missing my family so much. But that both Dave & I have very good jobs, and things are going pretty well. Well that's it. Talk to you all later!


Cardalls said...

Bloom where you are planted Mindi! I HATED Vegas when we moved here and it took me a good 3 years to really like it. But I love living here now. It's all up to you, your actions, but mostly your attitude! Dive in and immerse yourself with friends, in church, serve, forget yourself and help others. It works I promise!

Kath said...

Moving is way tough. I have found that you can't really tell if you like a place for (I hate to say this...) about 2-3 years. It is just not fair to the new stomping grounds to compare with the old, familiar until you have the painful newness gone. That said...I highly recommend getting the moving out of your system by the time your kids are say 8. It is so, so much harder to watch and help your kids adjust.