BabyFetus Ticker

March 18, 2009

A Case for Sherlock Holmes

So I called my Mom the other day just to ask her to do something that should have been done 3 years earlier. The conversation went like this...

Me: Mom, could you please have my wedding dress preserved in a box. So that it won't turn off white...ya know.
Mom: Sure, where is it.
Me: At your house I think in the laundry room behind Steph's or in my old bedroom, or is in the guest bedroom's closet, or maybe just check the house. It has to be somewhere, I definitely saw it last at your house.
Mom: OK, I'll look for it.

Couple days later I called my Mom again...
Me: So did you get it done?
Mom: I couldn't find it.
Me: It has to be somewhere in your house, I'm sure of it.
Mom: Well I checked Steve's room, not there. And it wasn't anywhere else, I just have Steph's. Are you sure Becky doesn't have it (My mother-in-law).
Me: I never had my wedding dress at Becky's, You have to have it, I've had it no where else.
Mom: Well I'll ask Dad to see if he's seen it.
Me: Ask Becky too.
Mom: I'll ask Steph too.
Me: Why would she have it?
Mom: Maybe she thought it was hers.
Me: I'm not feeling too well, I'll call you later.

Next day...
Me: So any news
Mom: No, I'll ask Steph today though.
Me: OK

So I'm at work and I get this voice message from Mom, saying that she and Steph had the following conversation, Mindi can't find her wedding dress. Steph says how can she loose that, I know exactly where mine is. And as she started to say her house, Mom jumps in to add that it was not but that it was at hers. Steph looked confused. Mom than explains that she has always had hers and that maybe Steph took mine, thinking it was hers. So Steph looks and sure enough, my missing wedding dress has been carefully stored and protected at her house, under the false identity of Steph's wedding dress. Steph than started laughing because she had just made fun of my mindlessness. Steph and I talked and well she still doesn't recall how this ended up in her house. Oh well, at the very least we both now know where our wedding dresses are. So the case of the missing wedding dress turned into dresses, but is now solved. Funny though...


The Bevans said...

That is a classic story! Glad you all have your missing dresses back!

Cardalls said...

That is too funny! Thats what you get with having a sister so close!

Kath said...

And Claire and I fight over who has to keep "ours". she originally bought it and so I call it "hers". She on the other hand thinks it is mine since I wore it last. In the meantime it is in an (unpreserved) underthebedbox in my garage with a bold label that reads: "Claire's Wedding Dress". Give it 20 or so years and who cares where it is ...oops was that cynical? sorry.