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March 6, 2009

Happy Friday

My favorite thing about Friday is knowing I worked all week to get here, and I just live up Friday night, staying up all night because I know I don't have to wake up at a certain time in the morning. There's just something so special about Friday at 5pm. I wish every day was Friday. This weekend I'm going to Confessions of a Shopaholic with a girlfriend. I love girls night out, shopping, fun and just girl talk. Definitely miss my sister's. T.G.I.F.!!!


Cardalls said...

Sounds fun! I love Fridays too because Dave is home with us. If you ever come to Vegas again...let's you and I do a girls night!

Mindi Blake said...

It's a deal Cheryl, I would very much love that!

The Bevans said...

I hear that is a super cute movie! Let me know! I want to see pictures of the new do too! It's gotta be cute, you have such great style

Stephanie Evans said...

Hey Mindi! Glad to see you like the Office! We are Officaholics....we have every season on DVD and never miss a new episode. SO FUNNY! Hope the movie was a good one last night!

Mindi Blake said...

The movie was a B to me, it was funny, cheesey, and very clean. I'm looking for that in my life! I should have read the book before watching, to me that's always more enjoyable.