BabyFetus Ticker

March 5, 2009

One of My Favorite Things...

Lately David & I have found a new favorite show, The Office. We laugh so much while watching this that we just can't get enough! One of the first shows I caught on t.v. was so great, that I was instantly intrigued. I saved my favorite quote from it.

"Oh come on do you see this, Disgusting"

To Whoever Made the Microwave Mess?
The Microwave is a SHARED
Kitchen Appliance
By not cleaning it up, You
Are basically telling whoever
follows that their time is less
Valuable, as they will have to scrub
Out your disgusting splatter,

Sincerely, Disappointed

-Pam from "The Office"


Cardalls said...

We love the office too!

Kath said...

Your mom is great at cleaning it for her visit;)

Rachel Ashmore said...

Andrew and I have just finished up a two week marathon of every episode ever made of this wonderful show. I am completely addicted! SOOO funny.

Mindi Blake said...

I'm glad everyone likes the office, too bad you all don't live closer... We could have an office party or two. We of course would have all the seasons to watch! Super funny, and totally off the wall. But I would love to work there!