BabyFetus Ticker

March 8, 2009


My husband's birthday is coming up, I would like to do something nice for him. Any ideas? Maybe you have some stories of things you've done. Or maybe just some words of wisdom. Either way, I'll take anything I can get. I'm just looking for a little help.


Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

WELL...i haven't done these yet, but planning on it in may for our anniversary and bran's b-day. for his b-day i want to rent a mustang for a day and do whatever he wants. and then for our anniversary i'm going to send him on a hunt through the mall. i'll give him a clue in his car at work and then from there i'll end up meeting him at dinner. i'll give him a gift and a new clue at each store in the mall. and the gifts will have a meaning to us/him when we dated etc. kinda lame, but maybe you could get some ideas off this! miss you

Kath said...

I say you give him something that he has mentioned interest in that you have little or no interest in and so you just brushed the idea aside and he thinks you didn't even hear him but you did and you remembered and that ends up to be a real gift. get it?

Sabrena Dana said...

I always try to get event tickets.....something that he likes to see, Justin likes the PBR's and that was my latest surprise. It's fun and something out of the ordinary for us, but always accompanied with a birthday dinner or two!

Cardalls said...

I think the little thoughtful things mean the most...and they don't have to cost a ton o $$. Fix him his favorite meal, write him a love letter, I agree with Kath, do something that he loves that you may not love so much.