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November 7, 2012

Our Fabulous Pacific Norwest Friends

August 18th 2012
We enjoyed a farewell dinner at Maggianos with our dear friends Jake & Kara, Brett & Kristen.  Thanks for the Weird Seattle Sights book.  We were so lucky to have met them.  We are definitely missing them... 
Jake Maria, Brett Smith and David
Kristen Smith, Ella & Kara, Mindi
  August 19, 2012
Good-Bye my BFF Ann Engstrom!  You are the craziest lady!  Love yah! 

August 22nd, 2012
A work farewell at PF Changs.  I will miss such great co-workers and friends.  Here's to being a Belgal for 4 years! 
Kim Casey, Mary Fortune, Me, Genay McIntosh, Tammi Campbell & Tonya Owens

August 24th, 2012
Bon Vonyage Party!  David surprised me with planning a fun night with our dear friends.  We started the night with dinner at Ezell's Famous Chicken.  The reason it's so famous is because Oprah flies her chicken from here to Chicago.  We apparently have the best chicken right at our finger tips.  And yes it was just divine.   

David, Brooklyn & Mark Holden, Ryan Rushton AKA "The Canuck"

 Our next stop although sounds very childish was The Family Fun Center.  We totally enjoyed it.  We hit up at the batting cages, lets just say I hit every one, where as Dave struggled... haha.  Then we did the go carts and lastly our very favorite laser tag, which was by far the favorite among everyone.  The girls and canuck vs guys.  I think I took the most hits, not a very good hide and aim kind of girl.  Dave definitely had fun targeting me.

We will miss our fun friends and will certainly come up as often as we can to visit, who knows maybe we will move back. lol!


Kath said...

So fun to read some new posts, Mind!
I have been thinking about you guys. Hope all is well in AZ:)