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August 18, 2012

Let's Party S'MORE!

 June 30, 2012
 Dinner & Desserts & Good Company!
Our good friends Jake and Kara Maria invited us to their beautiful home in Maple Valley, WA for a S'MORE party.  She was pretty amazing in her S'MORE creations, just think pinterest.  Dinner consisted of the classics's Campfire hot dogs, beans, dip and chips, and more.  Dessert of course was all about S'more and S'more and S'more Desserts!  We enjoyed the company of Jake&Kara, Kristen&Brett, Mark&Brooklyn and us.  Loved the outdoor time and campfire Jake got for his birthday.  It was fairly entertaining to see these four Eagle Scouts try to start a fire.  What I shouldn't tell you is that it was Kara who finally got it going.  Anyways we love our friends here and will surely miss them when we move back to AZ in the next coming weeks.


Kath said...

Didn't know you were moving, Mind. It'll be good to be closer to fam:) said...

Hahaha! I love that a GIRL was the one who started the fire. : )