BabyFetus Ticker

October 20, 2011

October Fun

Kristen & Brett's pumpkin on the left. Our pumpkin on the right.
You can kinda see us in the background...

This picture is awesome! The pumpkins look so great in the dark. Kristen really did an amazing job on carving hers puts our pumpkin on such an elementary level. She's an expert!

We had FHE together and it was great. Glad we have such good friends.

Aaron's (David's brother) birthday card. Happy 19th!!! Can't wait to see him in 2 days. He's coming to visit. We love having family come to stay. (Sorry this photo is out of order...couldn't fix it without deleting the others)

Us in action. I was doing a horrible job actually at tracing the outline of the owl that Dave told me I could scoop out the insides. Lol.

Brett and Kristen. Such a great couple of people. We were sure glad to get a chance to hang out with you, thanks for fitting us in to your busy lives.

David carving our pumpkin. We have successfully kept this up as a tradition. I love carving pumpkins. I could do it all month. Glad we get a chance to do it with The Blake's when we come down in a week. Can't wait!!!

A Birthday Card for my friend AMY! We celebrated it with a girls night out (Kristen, Brooklyn and I) to yummy Maggianos. Great Italian food and wonderful company.

Happy Birthday Roo! My niece Ruthie turned 6 this month. I made her this card. I had no idea she was having a pink-a-licious cup cake party. It was inspired I guess. She told me she loved it!

We had the missionaries to dinner and David made this Devil's Food Cake from scratch. It was sinful. We had to buy this beautiful cake stand to hold this amazing creation. Needless to say this gave us an excuse to have friends over the next night too to help eat it. So glad David spent the time making something so yummy. I will remember this chocolate cake for a while. Probably will ask him to make it any chance I can get.

My creation for visiting teaching this month. Yummy candy in honor of Halloween and the message. I got the idea off of another blog. Love people who are super creative and share how to do it.

This Just in Today...2 great pieces of news...

1. My sister, Stephanie is pregnant with her 4th due May 14, 2012!!!!! OMG.

2. My sister-in-law, Adriana found out her what's she's having today. (Hopefully you're not too mad that I posted this a day early, plus no one reads my posts that quickly anyways...) But I'm excited to say she is having a baby boy. Who I can't wait to meet. And plan a baby shower for. Anyone have baby shower ideas, suggestions, or must dos?

I am surrounded by baby news. And I love it but David wants to take a break from it... I told him it's only going to get worse...

Ok so this post is a bit random and crazy and has a ton of photos and things in it. Hopefully it wasn't too overwhelming...


Unknown said...

so fun! and i love YOUR pumpkin!!!

Kath said...

Mindi, you know how to celebrate!