BabyFetus Ticker

August 4, 2011

Say Hi to Dave

So I went on vacation recently and came home to this. He told me on the phone he was going to have his hand looked at because after a basketball game and one hand "popping" sound later his hand just wasn't the same. After three days of TLC, icing it, and taking alive he realized he needed medical care. He went into urgent care and was told that indeed it is broken. He was soft casted and told to schedule an appointment asap with a hand specialist. So he did and now he is currently wearing this hard, hook like cast that is not something you'd want to snuggle with. Luckily Dave's work accommodated his disability and switched him to the saw, so that he wouldn't be forced to take a leave of absence. Dave told me that since trading with a co-worker for that machine and work station he's been told he's faster and produces better work then than other guy. Very impressive Dave to out do a co-worker on a machine you're not normally working and with your left hand! Dave also e-mailed the basketball league for a credit since this was only his second game. So all is well. I'm just glad he didn't need surgery and that he will be ok. I don't think we realize or rather we take for granted our hands, fingers and arms. This disability has really been an eye opener to how easy we have it. Now I have to make dinners, yuck! I will in the future be more appreciative of Dave and all he does. Good life lesson for me I guess.


Kath said...

So sorry to hear about the hand/cast/disability! How long does he have to have the cast? Yay! for no surgery. said...

Ugh! That just sounds so awful! Hope you get better soon, Dave!

Adriana Benitez said...

I remember David telling me about his cast! I hope that it heals quickly for you both :)

chercard said...

sorry Mind! Glad his work is accommodating him!

Mindi Blake said...

Kath- Dave gets his hard cast off next week and then he'll get a custom one he can take on and off and will need hand therapy after that.
DJO- Thanks I'll tell Dave you're hoping him well. Love reading your blog, it's fun to see your kids grow!
Adriana- I hope he heals fast too for my sake ;-)
Cher- I am so glad his work values him enough to change his postion for a time. That is a huge blessing. Loved seeing you at the reunion!

Dyann said...

How do you sign a black cast? I wonder if those gel pens would work. There should be some glow-in-the-dark markers on the market that would be really cool.
