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August 11, 2011

Bevan Family Reunion

Lagoon. Us at the end of the day. We spent 11 hours there enjoying all the rides and thrills. Ice cream was a great way to end a hot, fun filled day.
Mark (Mork) & Mindi. My cousin born 2 weeks before me. I was suppose to be born first. Oh well... He's always been my favorite. He actually just left to Washington D.C. to study Law. Good luck Mark.

Steven & Spencer. Cousins. They had a great time getting to know each other better.

My cute Mama and cheesier Luke. Love them.

Aunt Cheryl, Mama and sister Sarah. This was the 1st day of the reunion we had just gotten out of the Jordan River Temple. Such an amazing time doing sealings there. This was definitely my favorite part.

Brother Steven & Ryan and cousin Spencer. For some reason I really love this photo.

My wonderful family. We did baptisms and sealings for our ancestors, it was the most peaceful
and spiritual experience...

Pool time at The Wright's. This is my niece Ruthie, after she got over the scariness of the diving board she ended up enjoying that the most.

My nephew Tate jumping off the diving board, he's younger then his sister Ruthie but he did it first. He always jumped just a couple of feet before the end of the board, always made me jump but he cleared it every time.

LUKE! He smiles just like his older sister Ruthie did at that age. I loved hanging around this boy. So cute, he made me happy. And I didn't mind him cuddling on me when he was tired.

I always love coming to Grandma Wrights to swim. Silly me I didn't bring my suit but I enjoyed the conversation with all my sweet aunts. And also being the photographer, only one with a camera.

So I uploaded my photos out of order, 1st it was the pool, 2nd temple, 3rd Lagoon. This was just the 1st and 2nd day of stuff, more to come. But I had a blast. I enjoyed every minute of my vacation but more importantly hanging with my family.


Kath said...

Love the pics! Thx for sharing. Looks like we missed a lot of great times. You do have darling nieces and nephews...(just like me:)

Mindi Blake said...

Thanks Kath! I sure missed you too. Would love to see you next time.

chercard said...

Loved being with you Mindi! We had some good times! Kath we sure missed you and NEED you to come next time!

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

ryan's kids are so cute!!! and steven is a man now?! when did that happen? he's a cuuuutieeee! watch out girls! ps//you were in UT and you didnt come see me???? sad day.

Mindi Blake said...

I'm sorry Jillyn that I didn't visit. To be honest I didn't even put that together in my mind. The reunion was just taking up all the time. I hope you are well and things are looking up for you!