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March 19, 2011

On Death

I didn't really know this man. Other then seeing him at church and exchanging one liners here and there. But today I went to his funereal. I was asked to sing in the choir during his service. I watched as the doors opened with the pallbearers and his flower adorned casket entered, we all stood. My heart started pounding, and water filled my eyes. I remember thinking why am I crying...
I haven't had too many loved ones taken from me. In my 26 years of life those who have passed are still very much alive within my heart and are tender to my soul. My Great Aunt Adele, Amanda's brother Zach, a high school friend Megan, Kari's husband Skylar. Each one of them lives on within me and touches me daily with their individual journey here on earth. I am grateful for each one of them and how they made my life better. "If only my lips could use such words as my heart so casually speaks." (Richard Paul Evans) I am not the best at voicing my thoughts but I wanted to say Thank You to the families of those who've said good bye, for now to those loved ones.
I also got to thinking about what a funereal is. For some reason Huckleberry Finn came to mind. I think it was him, but I remember reading a book in school about him. In that book it had a scene where he hid and listened to his own funereal. I wish all those who passed could attend their own funereal. Then I would understand why Fun is in funereal. Today I became friends with Brother Goodrich. The stories told, the memories shared and the music I sang touched my heart. I only wish I would have said more then one liners to this beloved husband, grandfather, and friend. I believe it a great irony that I learned of life from one dying. I have learned much about loss from their pain. Again I am grateful for the life's of Adele, Zach, Megan, Skylar and now a dear friend in spirit Larry.
My hope is that I can share those memories, stories and the love I feel with those loved ones still living. I know I try. Whenever I talk with my sister, Stephanie at the end of our phone call I always say I LOVE YOU. I know she loves me even if I've never heard her say that to me. When I'm with my Nana I stay up as late as I can with her, because I don't get to see her often, she's 74. I know her years are numbered. But luckily I have young grandparents, and both sets are still very healthy. I'm going to be better with my communication's with loved ones because I live so far away from all of them. And each one of them is an extended part of me.
"When we bury someone we love, we must also bury a part of our heart. But we should not bemoan this loss. Our hearts, perhaps, are all they can take with them." (David Parkin's Diary. January 28, 1934)
Please don't wait for tomorrow to share your thoughts with those dear to you. Share them, show them and live them today.
P.S. please listen to the song, Yesterday on my playlist. It says what I can't.


chercard said...

LOVE YOU MIND! A good reminder to live life and have relationships so there are no regrets! We regret not spending more time with Brian and not having more pictures with him.

Kath said...

Very nice post, Mindi!! I have some great quotes on death/funerals. Basically, that to be honest with those around us, we really do need to tell them how we feel about them while they are on the earth and not wait until they are gone. Great reminder, thanks!

Adriana Benitez said...

All wonderful thoughts and I don't even know what to say. We love you both very much!! said...

This is a sweet post, Mindi!