BabyFetus Ticker

October 23, 2010

WARNING Put post together at 3am

This card was made for my boss Jeanine for her Birthday. The inspiration for the card came from the Birth section of the Webster's Dictionary.

David came out while I was making the card and asked me why I had his dictionary. I said because I needed to rip out the Birth page. He seemed all concerned about what if he needed it one day, and I said just look it up online. I need this for my card! Lol. I did feel sorta bad when he said, "but my Dad gave that to me" I guess he could also remember that his Dad gave him "Birth" also. Anyways at the time it was super funny. Don't know how well I can relay that at 3am.
This card was made for Barb as a THANK-YOU for letting me borrow her wonderful Areo-Bed while Dave's family was in town. This is the supreme of air mattress. In fact when it's up and made up with sheet's and comforter it looks like a real bed. The plus is it actually feels like a real bed. It has definitely proven worthy of being a great night sleep. I in the future will be a purchaser of such an item. It has amazing qualities, it actually plugs into an outlet and comes to life. You can adjust the inflate and deflate levels with just a switch. So if you like it softer you got it but if you like it harder you got it. I should stop there I'm feeling like a late night info commercial...
I had a great time making this card ex specially since I was making it from all my scraps. And it turned out to be a great card. The ribbon was my favorite part, I ended up stapling it on, who would have thought...
Don't know if you remembered but I had talked about making a Halloween Banner. Well I actually did! I was so pleased with the final outcome. I made this out of paper and some embellishments. Dave's idea to hang it up with hooks. It's lovely. But now I've locked myself into also making a year round banner because of the hooks permanently in the wall. Oh well another excuse to go to the scrapbook store, darn.

Just wondering... What would you pay for; The Banner? The Birthday card? & The Thank-You card? I'm trying to get serious about a side business for this. I have a portfolio started already...


Rachel Ashmore said...

I really like the banner. =) I'm not sure what people would usually charge for things like that though. I probably wouldn't pay more than 15-20 bucks...but then, I'm kinda cheap...

Cardalls said...

I agree with 15-20 for the banner. You should do it..the side business I mean! said...

Hey, Mindi!

If you could give a good deal on a bundle of Thank you cards, I might would buy them...truthfully, I've been thinking of making my own thank you cards to save on money...I'm not sure how that works, though, because the cutest scrapbook paper isn't always cheapest. : )

I think if you were to start selling things that the decorations would sell better, but the only way to find out is to try selling both. : )

Kath said...

I really think it depends on who you market to. If it is to people who are NEVER crafty and appreciate your talent then I would think $3/card if it has embellishments. If, however, it is to other crafty folk...probably you wouldn't get more than 1.50-2/card. (Just a guess). I need to know more about the banner...(besides that it is darling:), hooked together with ribbon? How long is it? Card Stock? Like is it going to last year to year to year? I say 10-15 on the banner. again...just guessing...
and really, really too bad that I have banned all "fun spending" around here or I'd totally order:(

Unknown said...

mindi! i came across your blog on gina's blog actually and had to check yours's so cute! you are so creative and i love all of your pictures!

thanks for sharing!
