BabyFetus Ticker

October 20, 2010


Last week David and I took vacation from work and also because his family was here to play. We had great weather and tons to do! We enjoyed Seattle like always. Pikes Market, Ivars on the Pier, Shopping, Space Needle for lunch... We also went to a pumpkin patch, which also had a corn maze in the shape of Washington state. We went to some must see spots, seen from Kerry Park and Gas Works Park. We showed them the troll under the bridge. We had a great time viewing the amazing Snoqualmie waterfall. Enjoyed watching Secretariat at our favorite movie theatre Lincoln Square. Enjoyed watching Singing in the Rain at home and making a Holiday banner. Lots of good food and company. Photos will quickly follow or at least that's the plan! But thought I should at least update my blog since it's been a couple weeks. My favorite thing was just not having to worry about the time and what day it was. Had no clue the whole week, such a great feeling!!!


Kath said...

So good that you could relax and enjoy your company!! I get too worked up over the meal prep, keeping the house clean and activities planned that often I forget to enjoy:)