BabyFetus Ticker

May 24, 2010


My blog has been blah lately... Sorry. I haven't had the time, motivation or creative ideas to post something worth reading. Here's just a written update on Me and my life. School is going great, my introduction to interior design class has really been educational. I have loved learning it's language. I had successfully earned A's on all assignments, exams and have even earned some extra credit too! I love learning about putting a room together so that it has unity and harmony. I am so glad I decided to start school again, it has really given my life some purpose and direction. David and I have been busy with putting together a new apartment. We are having fun printing and hanging new photos with new frames up on the walls. We have multiple walls now! Whahoo. It's super fun to re-design everything. David is busy with being a full time student and an over time employee. I am so glad I married a hard worker. He's not only a hard worker in school and work but for me. He definitely earns many brownie points. This week I am looking forward to hanging out with my cousin who'll be visiting from UT. After her visit I'll be jumping on a plane to AZ to enjoy the festivities for my Sister-in-law's wedding on June 4th. I can't wait to be home. I have been doing ok with my weight loss, at least I am still seeing results, slowly but they are good ones. I am glad that I have a supportive husband who loves me just as I am. I wish I had some photos but I haven't taken any lately. I will definitely have some from my great weekend and up coming week in AZ. My sister Aly graduates this Wednesday I can't believe it's been eight years since I was in High School. She's always been eight years younger than me, but today I feel like she is growing up so fast. I can't believe what an adult she's becoming and it's hard for me to think of her as a little sister. Congrats Aly, I am proud of you!!! Thanks for listening to my ramblings, I hope they make sense. I'm not much of a journalist, that's why I usually use lots of photos. But since I had none I had to do something.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back in blogland, and I can't wait to see your new apartment all dolled up now that you are on the way to being a fabulous designer!

Mindi Blake said...

Thanks Holly. I hope I can create a great new interior, I feel the pressure now that I've studying the subject a bit.

Kath said...

Good to hear from you, Mindi! Take pics of your cuz visit too, please. Who is coming? Have fun in AZ!

Dave and Jessica said...

Thanks for the update minnie! Missed hearing from you! Hope you guys are well and have a great trip in AZ! Oh and glad school is going great! Hang in there! Love ya!

Cardalls said...

How you feel about Aly is how I feel about you guys as nieces and seriously can't be married because I remember you as that cute chubby cheeked baby! glad you are enjoying school! love you. said...

Way to go, Mindi! School does feel like it helps to give you a purpose & direction. I always enjoyed it. Are you still in town? I miss having you around! I was just telling your dad that at the MHS final Choir Concert. Hope you had fun at the wedding.

Adriana Benitez said...

It was so fun having you out here for the wedding :) I bet your home is gonna be awesome and gorgeous. So sounds like you are learning plenty in your class. Plus you have a little bit more space to do things with. Love ya!