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July 5, 2009

July 4th 2009

Dave & I witnessed two fire's. Both of them happened to the same house. One that was put out right away and the second that called for back up. About 5 fire trucks, and multiple police cars, well pretty much the whole task force of Lake Stevens showed up for the second. It was pretty crazy. Dave and I certainly enjoyed this guys production of fire and fireworks. I kept saying "This guys got the stuff." He was shooting the big ones from his backyard. No wonder you had two fires...
Watching fireworks over Lake Stevens. Best shot I got...
Sparklers, my favorite.

Our View, it was beautiful and full of fun.
I've been wanting to Ride the Ducks since we've moved here, and what better day than the 4Th of July. Prefect weather, 80 degrees. And special access to the fireworks on Lake Union. I certainly felt special!!! Awesome tour.
Building were made of wood a long time ago, but than Seattle had a fire that took down 30 blocks of buildings in just a short period of time. So now they are all brick.
Every time we passed a Starbucks, which are on every corner our tour guide made us say Ka-Ching!
Pioneer Square, which actually isn't a square it's a triangle. I guess they couldn't make up there minds when planning the layout of the city.
Just a snap shot, I'm sure it means something.
The Working Man guarding the SAM, Seattle Art Museum. Housing a Billion dollars worth of Art.
Seattle Sights

The tour starts at the Space Needle. Which is in the Seattle Center. It's neighbored by the Experience the Music Project, Science fiction Museum, Jim Hansen Muppet's Museum, and many others.
It was so much fun just waiting for our "Duck" to arrive.
Our Captain Roman Free. Get it?
Lady Liberty.
Gas Work's Park. It was an old factory that they were going to tear down, but the people didn't want the City to tear it down, because it is a historical landmark. Instead of a brand new park, they left it like this. Which to the people of Fremont was just groovy. The park has been used in a number of movies and tv shows. The latest would be the show Amazing Race. It was used as a starting line as well as a finish line for an episode.
I love seeing the flag on top of the Space Needle.
This is the Sleepless in Seattle house that Tom Hanks and Jonna lived in. It is now up for sale for 2.5 million. Any one interested?
Sail boats, nothing better, right Dad!?
Big boats coming from Ballard Locks.
On our Land & Water tour we got to see Lake Union, which is were the biggest Firework display is in Seattle. The barge above, is where the would shot off fireworks from. It was really neat to see up close.
I learned from our tour guide that Lake Union has a limit on how many floating house's can be on the Lake. The total is 500. One of the 500 is the Sleepless in Seattle house.
It was just a beautiful day, great weather and great sights.
You can see the Ballard Locks from the above photo. Looks like a lot of boats coming to see the fireworks at Lake Union.
I want a boat...
David & I in front of the boat/truck that the Duck Tour drove us around in.
Showing our 4Th of July spirit.
Jared's first time seeing the famous Pike's Place Market.

As always I have to show my Holiday decoration's...
My Welcome sign.

A runner and my 3 favorite Stars, thanks to my Nana!
My sign that I have so much fun with...


Kath said...

Fun post Mind! Love all of the Seattle pics. Looks like a great holiday for you...thx for sharing!

Cardalls said...

cute decor! you guys have really taken the opportunity te get to know Seattle...looks like fun!

Kath said...

This post (almost) made me book a quick trip to Seattle, but I am too cheap..$60 ea way was just too much. I went for San Fran this time..but next time southwest gets desperate...I might just have to stop in to your city and take you to lunch:)