BabyFetus Ticker

May 16, 2009


I am so excited to have my parents here in 5 days. I just got to make sure everything is in order. So for fun today I am cleaning, organizing and probably doing a good will run. This my not sound fun for some, but for me it certainly is. I can't wait to have a clean, organized and less stuff in my home. All those who live in an apartment or have in the past, you know those three things are most important.
To have my parents here is so great, because now they get to see where we live, were we go and what we do. They get to see it first hand and also experience the beauty of Washington. I am grateful that they have the chance to leave there world and join mine for a time. And that we could all take off work, I know money is tight for most and I'm glad they decided to spend it on me. I love you Mom and Dad!


Kath said... fun to look forward to company!! Congratulations on your weight loss--you are doing awesome! Is that a recent pic at the top of your blog? look great reagardless:)

Mindi Blake said...

Yah, I'm really excited about the weight loss, it's about time to do something about it. That photo is actually from 2006, our first trip to Vegas to meet his extended family. Thanks though. Most of the photos I post there are out dated just because I'm not real happy about the way I look now, but I'll get back.

Kath said...

With that tude, no doubt you will!! It feels good to be back in control, huh? I think that's the part I like best.

The Bevans said...

They are lucky to have a hostess like you! You are going Bevan style busy all day long, just the way we like it! Way to go on your weight loss too! You are amazing!