BabyFetus Ticker

April 18, 2009

My update about the dos and don'ts about weight loss

I'm very intense right now about losing it. I've been measuring everything. And I have been very picky for once about what goes into my mouth. But the guilt is still there, like yesterday I definitely had one too many slices of cheese for lunch and well I could barely eat anything for dinner because I would be over my daily calorie limit. So I will just have to be more diligent about the things I choose to eat. And plan ahead for the bigger meals. I am learning too that working out also fills you up, it helps the hunger subside.


Cardalls said...

don't beat yourself up too much, it's a definite process to overcome bad eating habits! Your aunt Kath has great tips on fitness and weight loss!

Adriana Benitez said...

Good luck on the diet! I also started a blog (finally!) but still trying to figure it out...