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February 26, 2009

What are Dreams Made of?

My dream...

So I was at this hotel, I had a work thing, David was also at that same hotel doing a California Closets project. I was on the main floor and looking at a line of people standing in front of the concierge's desk, when I noticed Jason Alexander holding a huge box or was it a computer (a little fuzzy on that detail). Yes the George Costanza of Seinfeld. And yes David's very favorite character from Seinfeld. I got so excited so I ran to the basement to try to find David. I got lost in this maze of darkness with tons of other people, but finally found myself a way out, still no sign of David I decided to go back and get an autograph from Jason. I found him walking away from the hotel, talking on his cell phone. So from across the lawn I decided to yell his way George Costanza! He turned around and I caught up to him, I said my husband Loves you, he watches Seinfeld every night, and we are just so excited to have Jerry come to town, (we bought tickets to see his stand up on 4/25/09) and that we just can't wait to see him... I said can I get an autograph? But of course I didn't have a pin or paper, so I told him don't be mad but I don't have anything. He just happened to have a lined paper among a backpack and other crazy amounts of stuff. So I said give me 2 minutes I'll go grab a pin, he said make it 3. I said Thanks and ran to a concession stand, that amazingly had a holder of various writing tools. I grabbed a sharpie, highlighter and a pencil. Ran back and he took the sharpie and started writting Fatty Fatty Dave. I took out my iPhone to capture this moment, but the first 2 photos I took didn't turned out so great, but before I could snap some more. He asked me how he should end his signing, he gave me three phrases, one of which stood out, "theneverendingcaveman" that's right all one word, that's why we liked it so much. So we choose that one, but before I could pick up his autograph and put my iPhone away, millions of miniature hot dogs started falling from the sky. Among the millions one found me and definitely engulfed me as we were talking. So here I was standing with a miniature hot dog and bun attached to my upper torso. Frantically I tried to pull it off, next thing I new I was standing with David perfectly calm looking out of the hotel's main doors at the Eiffel Tower.

And that is a typical dream for me, I usually have like 3 a night. What do you think?


Kath said...

I think you said once that you can't write--what the heck! Just start writing those dreams down, baby!! Talk about detailed dream memory--impressive. I don't translate, however. sorry. But very entertaining:)

Cardalls said...

Wow Mind...that is one crazy dream. George Costanza has to be one of the greatest characters ever on a TV series! This made me laugh!

Rachel Ashmore said...

I am such a dork. I missed the fact that this was a DREAM until I got to the part about miniature hotdogs falling from the sky, and I got SO confused. =) Anyway, I love vivid dreams like that!

Anonymous said...

Mindy! This sounds like a pregnant dream! So???