BabyFetus Ticker

February 22, 2009

Cast your vote

I like Kate's hair because of her length and style.
Jillian's hair is about the same as Kate's just maybe a little bit longer, so maybe this is the style for me...
Kirsten's hair is pretty cute too, I like the layer's and bangs. But I've tried bangs before...
Jessica's is a style I could do for sure, easy style and pretty practical.
Her sister Ashlee's is about the same, just I like the dark hair color, so I would also be adding a color with my haircut.

I don't know which to go with, let me know what you think!


Cardalls said...

I vote for either Ashley or Jessica's hair....whatever you do with be FABULOUS!

Dave and Jessica said...

My vote it totally for the Jessica Simpson is gorgeous! Can't wait to see better take some!

Kath said...

I can't tell in your recent photos how long your hair is right now...if it is really long, you could always go with Jillian's and then if it is not enough of a change or too hard to manage then go with the Jessica look next time. yeah, and I want pics too:)