BabyFetus Ticker

April 11, 2014


My little pomegranate at 21 1/1 weeks and almost 2 pounds.  She was a little camera shy today darning her photo shoot.  She kept covering her face with her little arm or smashing her face up against the uterine wall.  She's a very wiggly baby.  She had no problem though showing us "everything" else.  What I am most happy about is she has four chambers to her heart, and she is looking normal.  I guess I didn't realize how heavy that was weighing on me from the last appointment because right after we left I was teary and very emotional about having that appointment.  Theres just too much that can be taken for granted but for me I am well aware of it and very grateful that so far she has all the necessary parts.  I can't wait to meet you sweet pea!!!