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April 7, 2013

April Birthdays!

My Dad on the left turned 57 and David on turned 28!  Their birthday's are 3 days apart.  My Dads is on April Fools Day and Davids on the 4th, so we usually end up celebrating together at least when we live near each other.  Happy Birthday to two very important men in my life.

For David's birthday, I had to get very creative as I was ordered not to spend a fortune.  So I printed off birthday comics from google the day before then I pasted them into the paper on his birthday.  I made him breakfast and set the sports page and business page next to his food and then watched to see if he would look at them... He didn't so I had to cue him to, I said "hey Dave I read something very interesting in the business section on page two."  His reply was, "since when do you read the business page?"  He knows me well.  He looked and found his headline and tribute to his birthday.  He was very important!  Next I did what any good wife would, I ironed his work clothes and made him lunch.  I had the day off so I was at his beckon call.  I drove him to work, then shopped for practical but fun things.  Look at photos below... I picked him up from work and we drove to ASU for his Communications call, where I sat in because the class was in an auditorium and no one would know I wasn't a student.  I loved it, learned all about PATHOS.  Afterwards, we went to Liberty Market on Old Gilbert Road.  Charming restaurant, amazed it took 19 years to eat there when it was just down the street.  We finished off the night with a new favorite show, Raising Hope off of Netflix.  Overall a very good day.  Glad for Birthday's, that they give us a chance to Celebrate the life of loved ones...

Liberty Market.  Where they give you dinner on them.  He ordered a pasta bowl, with yummy meatballs and a spinach salad.  I ordered a pizza and a spinach salad.

I had the battery in his watch replaced since it was no longer keeping time and he loves his watch.

I bought him "Happy Socks" from Nordstroms. He's into fun socks, like Booth wears on Bones.

Parks & Rec since Ron Swanson makes him laugh so much!

I also got him a free pen and rubber bracelet like the live strong bracelets that I got from work for Donate a Life week.  Lastly some gum because his stash in his car was out.  I thought this was all sensible and I was awesome for staying at a budget UNTIL... We went to GAP with a 40% off your entire purchase.  Lets just say I have the most stylish husband around.  He looks better than me now on any give day.  Happay Happay Happay Birthday day love bug!


Kath said...

Welcome back to blogland Mind!! Glad to catch up some. You are one creative girl! Congrats on getting jobs/life set up:)

Mindi Blake said...

Thanks Kath! I was shocked to get a comment already. I really the best following! Love yah!