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January 14, 2012

Part One of Aly and Steven's visit to Seattle

The perfect Seattle shot, Kerry Park.

We found Santa at the top!

Always the photographer but I always had the best view. I loved being with them.

The view. City Skyline. Mt. Rainer.

The Space Needle. Clear, sunny and fairly warm day, perfect. Glad they got to see the view

unobstructed by rain and clouds.

The Troll.

Gas works park. I love this photo. I love the background. I am pleased on how I set this one up. It's perfect to me. I love it.

Maggiano's. Yummy Italian food. What to eat? That is the question here. Don't they look deep in thought? Cracks me up...

Touring Bellevue. At the Bravern. I described it to Aly as a very "posh" shopping center. She asked me if I knew where it came from, I just said it means elegant, swanky or rich. She then informed me of it's true origins, it's from England it means Portside out starboard home. I guess only the very wealthy travelled by boat. She then impressed me with a more detailed reason that you'll have to ask her about. But I found a cool poem from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that I thought she'd like...

O the posh posh traveling life, the traveling life for me

First cabin and captain's table regal company

Pardon the dust of the upper crust - fetch us a cup of tea

Port out, starboard home, posh with a capital P-O-S-H, posh


Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

wow i cant believe how grown up they are! they are dang good looking :-) said...

Those pictures look awesome! It makes me want to see Seattle sometime in my life!

Tell Aly & Stevie that they could both be models. Gee whiz! They've got million-dollar smiles, too.

You're a great sister for showing them around! I love the Santa pic at the top. Haha!