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January 8, 2012

Christmas 2010!

Dave gave me gift cards and good ones too!!! Southwest, Pottery Barn, Lincoln Square Cinemas, and Nordy's.
David's Santa head ornament. I picked it up at Pottery Barn, loved it!

Christmas decor. Love our new pillows!

Christmas 2010. Just found these photos and thought I should post them. Dave and I spent Christmas alone in Bellevue, WA last year. It was a small yet wonderful Christmas. We did something special that year by hand cutting our own tree. We loved that experience and have decided that each Christmas spent alone we will do that. Also Dave and I spent Christmas Eve doing our shopping for each other. We each went our own way at Bellevue Square (The Mall). It was fun. Although the only negative was a lot of things were out of stock, so you really had to be creative. Dave and I have also tried to exchange a Christmas ornament. This year I got a gingerbread man, and Dave got Santa's head. I'm pretty sure he loved it.

Our very first hand cut Christmas tree. Our very first real tree. 8ft, Grand fir and amazingly gorgeous!

David made sure to rope it down real good.

Mt. Creek Christmas Tree Farm, by Mt. Si in Washington. We love this tree farm. Nothing says Christmas like a tree farm and hot coco.

I believe we made 5o Christmas cards that year.