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November 20, 2011

AZ, Home Sweet Home

Our last lunch at Cafe Rio.

Taking a nice walk around the Riparian.

Hi Bubble Bee!!! I love my little Emmett. Super awesome Halloween Custom.

The Boo Crew!

Dave and Zach or should I say "Zink" made a pumpkin carving great team.

We Celebrated all the October and Novemeber Birthday's. Happy Birthday Kumen. Card made by me.

Happy Birthday Aaron! Wish I got your present. I still need that if anyone is looking for a Christmas present idea for me...

Happy Birthday Ben. He got some video game.

Happy Birthday Time. What a kid, lovin' on his Lego's.

We had a Birthday celebration and pumpkin carving at The Blake's the Sunday night we were there. Super fun!!!

Every one's digg'n in.

Tim and Adriana.

This is Dave's second pumpkin this year. I think he likes Halloween. Or rather his little brother Zach!!!

Love LUKE! Cute big brown eyes. He's almost 1. December 1st!

The Blake family at the Hale Theatre.

The John Bevan Family at the Hale Theatre.

My favorite people in the whole wide world!!! NANA & PAPA. I sure love you. So glad you came down.

The Ryan Bevan Family.

The whole gang! We all went to the Hale Theatre. We had 20 people in attendance. Love it! We had a great mix; The Tutts, The Kumen Blake's, The David Blake's, The John Bevan's, The Ryan Bevan's, Nana and Papa, And Rae!

Yum, Num, YUMMY!!! Joe's BBQ. We had dinner before our 7pm Curtain call for It's A Wonderful Life. Can I just say, PERFECT COMBO! This is my families table.

The Blake's table.

MMM Dave!

The boys hanging out at McCormick Park, in Scottsdale. One of our many adventure's. It was a fun park, full of trains big and small. Great fall weather in AZ.

That's all folks...


Kath said...

Such fun family time!