BabyFetus Ticker

November 6, 2011

AZ + Family = The perfect combination.

Aly. Steven. At my all time favorite place to eat, JOE'S BBQ just before The Hale Theatre for "It's A Wonderful Life."

Radiant Ruth!

We match! Emmett. Me.

Our First Day: We went to AZ over Halloween weekend and had such a great time! The purpose for our trip was to be able to see Steven's last football game. We had to support our #1 quarter back. David even designed our very own football shirts with the #6 on the back to show who we were there for. So we arrived late the night before (Thursday) and this photo above was our very first stop in the morming. IHOP. We met all the Bevan's there and enjoyed the endless pancakes and talk. Later that morning we went to McCormick Park in Scottsdale. It has an actually train with a museum in it, a smaller train that takes you around the park on rides. Lots of fun for the family. We loved being out in the warm sunny weather. David and I met up with his family later for lunch at our traditional spot, Costa Vida. We had a great lunch with Becky, Adriana, Jared and the two of us. Later that night was Senior Night, Steven's Football game and Buffalo Wild Wings to celebrate the season. We really packed in a lot our first day in AZ.

Scott. Ryan.

Aly. Sweet Ashley.

Ruth. Mom.

Dad. Tate.

More to come on our trip to AZ...