BabyFetus Ticker

April 7, 2011


I had a dentist appointment this morning. I confess I was a little nervous because the last visit I had was to get my very first cavity filled. I was always prideful about never having a cavity and thought I was something special because I was 25 and could brag about it. But now my mouth is tainted by one. So today my concern was that maybe I had another one. Who would have guessed 2 or maybe 3, I was in shock so I didn't really confirm the number. I feel I need to defend my oral hygiene, because I do try. I can admit that my downfall is flossing, I'm horrible at it. I do brush, I even use a special RX tooth paste, tongue scrap, and use the fluoride mouth wash. The dentist did tell me that these were deep cavities where the brush wouldn't even get to, he also mentioned if I changed my diet to protein I wouldn't get any cavities because it doesn't provide the bacteria for these cavities to grow. Or it was something like that. Anyways I guess I should also avoid carbs like the plague. But if I did eat carbs to immediately wash it down with water. Which by the way is always at my side and I try to drink at least 64 oz a day. Yada Yada... Anyways this is were I'm feeling overwhelmed. I KNOW I NEED TO CHANGE MY DIET. I am. I KNOW my cholesterol needs to go down. I am counting calories, staying away from bad foods, working out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I've already lost 9 pounds since January. I have changed my lifestyle. BUT today I feel afraid to eat anything. Fruits have sugars, does that mean I can't eat them. My favorite lunch is triscuits and cottage cheese, but triscuits have carbs in them. What's too much carbs? I seriously don't eat bad. Should I be vegan? Should I just drink water. GOSH. I am so frustrated with weight, oral hygiene, and my self- image. HONESTLY I feel like crap today. I feel like going home and throwing away all my food. I just don't want to eat it anymore. It's making my whole body suffer. ahhgg. SERIOUSLY just stick a permanent IV in me, Food has lost it's luster. It really just makes me sick thinking about it. No I don't have an eating disorder...just yet. Now I should probably go and check my blood pressure, most likely high.

3 comments: said...

You're so cute! I'm cracking up at "food has lost its luster", and "stick an IV in me". I also understand your frustration--I have had dental work done throughout my entire life. I cannot even tell you how many cavities I've had filled, and I know I've had at least 5 crowns done...some of them more than once. I have weak teeth in general, and going to the dentist causes me great anxiety--I just paid off the implanted tooth I had to get last year. SO, remember it could be worse. You could have teeth like mine. : )

Still eat fruits--natural sugars are way better than processed sugars. A serving of Triscuits is not a bad thing-that's a healthy snack.

And don't despair, Min! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. You have been working so hard. I know exactly how hard it is to lose those 9 pounds. I've lost about the same amount since New Year's and I have had many moments when I just want to throw in the towel and quit. But don't quit. Look at the progess you've made and focus on feeling good about that so that you don't downspiral into feeling like crap. I've SO been there & know what it feels like--I have felt like that more than people might ever realize. You need to remember all of these things:

You are beautiful! You are loved! You are doing a geat job! You have made progress with your goals! You will lose more weight, because you're on a good track! You still have amazingly strong teeth (WAY better than most others)! And life really is a beautiful thing. HUGS!!!

chercard said...

Moderation in all things my dear. Fruit is healthy for moderation! Dr. Oz calls white bread a candy bar for your stomach because it has as much sugar when digested as candy. Whole grains are good for moderation. Protein is moderation! :) Call your dental hygiene aunts, they can give you good advice

Kath said...

Oh Mindi!! I hope your days have gotten better since this post. I have so been somewhere similar. It seems that every time I decide to really get serious about my diet, I get into this mode where I don't want to eat for fear it'll be the wrong thing. That lasts about 15 min since I love food sooo much. What has worked for me is to find a plan and stick with it. There are a lot of different messages out there right now. Find one that sounds healthy with whole, real foods. As far as your teeth go...brush 2x/day and floss once/day. (and the rinse helps too) It really is the best advice. I went for years sneaking by with flossing 3/week but not anymore. Don't stress about the fillings...get 'em done and forget about it. Keep up with the exercise and pay attention to the types of workouts you like most. You are awesome, serious. And it's good for you to share the bad days too cuz it makes us all feel a bit more normal. love you:)