BabyFetus Ticker

February 3, 2010

Just wanted to update my blog. I haven't any photos. But I guess that shouldn't be an excuse. Lately I've been trying to get back into school. I figure an eight year break is long enough. And I really only have 30 credits left till I'm done. Up here they do quarters. A bit different from the semesters I was used to. Anyway, with even one or two classes a quarter I could have my associates by winter 2010. I am very excited. I can also transfer to the University of Washington by 2011. So that's the big news. I'm going back to school. Figure it's the best time for it. No kids and Dave is still in school. We might as well do it together. Just a bit of advice to those who haven't gone to college yet. Just pick one community college, not 4 to go to. It has been insane trying to get my official transcripts from all my community colleges, which by the way are out of state, Arizona and Utah. Plus they all charge you for your official transcripts, it sucks. Anyway, by the time I'm done, I'll have gone to 5 community colleges and 1 university. I'll keep you posted on the details.
P.S. My motivation for going back to school was pretty eye opening, Dave and I have been playing a lot of Scrabble. I realized I was doing a lot of 3-4 letter words. I was awaken because of how elementary my words were. Thanks Scrabble for the wake up call! Gotta get my brain working again. LOL.


Dave and Jessica said...

Congrats Mindi! I think that is awesome you are going back to school! I have learned in the last little while how much I love school! I am will love it!

Kath said...

Go Mindi!! Proud of you...keep us posted:)

M + L said...

HA HA! Good for you! I never like school but I was so far into it with time and money I knew I had to finish. And I work at a tax office and tax season has already started and I can't tell you how many clients we have that were laid off because their companies needed to do some cut backs, so they laid off those who had no education and kept the ones that did. Education is a MUST these days. I'm proud of you for going back!! Good luck Mindi!!!!!

Cardalls said...

way to go girl!

The Bevans said...

Good for you! by the way you would feel good playing scrabble with me, I am terrible! said...

Good for you, Mindi! I think you'll enjoy going back. I miss being in college, actually. If it makes you feel any better, my words have gone DOWN THE DRAIN since I've taught elementary school, haha! Reading all of those 2nd grade papers was the worst thing for my grammar and spelling. : ) I just caught up reading your last several posts. Your family pictures (Bevan & Blake) turned out great, and you look BEAUTIFUL! The pic of you & David at the beginning is stunning, too.