BabyFetus Ticker

December 17, 2009

Sunday Dinner Party

My Nova Scotia friend, Ryan.
Our Elders. Elder Gunderson (Left) and Elder Sharp (Right)
p.s. our tree is 6 ft tall (this is for Aly)

Num, Yum, Yummy!!!
Dave was having tons of fun with our new camera, he took step by step shots on how I made cookies. You're just lucky I didn't post that process...
Just a fun photo...
I had signed up to have the Missionaries over for dinner, but also felt the need to invite Ryan a guy from the ward. We had such a blast, or maybe it was just me... But I just love entertaining! There was mention of a possible set up between one of the Elders and my beautiful sis Aly. Turns out Elder Gunderson is from Mesa, AZ and new Sarah's family, The Tutt's and comes from Mt. View High School. He was fun to talk to and yes I did get his address for Aly. We also discussed embarrassing stories, which will never be disclosed... Ryan did have a funny story regarding Bill Gates' Manor, he had a buddy from work who knew the exact location and took him there. Ryan was driving and they arrive at the sight of the manor and the gates were open. And Ryan being from Nova Scotia, Canada where everyone is so friendly attempted to drive forward closer to the residence. His buddy of course started to yell stop. Ryan did and just short of getting it by the gates closing and security guards emerging. He was really scared. But funny story when he told it. We had spaghetti and cesar salad along with my famous homemade chocolate chip cookies. Bytheway Kath, have you made them yet??? That was a great night.


Kath said...

Yes! I made the famous cookies the weekend after we were with you and I received the recipe...mmm. Haven't made them since 'cuz...well too good?!

Kath said...

PS Fun dinner party! We fed the missionaries too this past week.

Cardalls said...

looks fun! i want the recipe as fair to only share with one aunt! post on the blog!